BOWING POSE (Pranamasana)  
by: Urmil Jindia & Vasanthi Bhat (

Whether it is due to the changes of weather conditions, stressful situations, and stress symptoms I have come across many people from children to seniors who are suffering from sinus congestion in spite of taking all kind of medications. It is also true they don’t find full relief, as many times medications tend to suppress mucus.

You can relieve sinus congestion and energize yourself at the same time by doing this Bowing Pose?
Many people have benefited from sinus congestion by doing Bowing Pose few minutes a day?
Do you often get stressed out?
Do you feel lack of concentration?
Do you think that you are suffering from insomnia having tension on the upper back and neck?

Good news is that practicing the BOWING POSE early in the morning or anytime during the day instantly relieves from all the above symptoms. This pose can be practiced by all age groups.

Bowing Pose (Step by step instructions):

  1. Sit on your heels.
  2. While breathing out, lift your hips and rest the top of your head on the floor.
  3. Rest your arms at your side.
  4. Breathe slowly while holding the position for 30-60 seconds.
  5. Try not to strain and use force while stretching. Holding the pose comfortably helps relax the muscles.
  6. For quick relaxation, stay in this position for 15 to 30 seconds.
  7. For relieving tension and to condition the neck muscles, repeat 2-3 times or stay in this position longer.

Note: Of course this pose cannot be practiced at work, unless you have privacy in the office. Good news is that you can do an alternate yoga pose at work called “CHIN LOCK”.

Chin Lock

This helps relieve congestion if you do it right. Sit straight on the edge of your office chair, feet flat on the floor and palms on your knees. Breathe in comfortably and hold your breath. Slowly lower your head and straighten your arms as you lift your shoulders so your chin rests on your chest. Hold this position for as long as is comfortable. Lower your shoulders as you raise your head. Be sure to breathe out only after raising your head. Repeat as often as you like.

Points to Remember:

Make sure that chin is close to neck, because sinus receptor are pressure sensitive as this will relieve the sinus congestion.


Apart from relieving sinus congestion, bowing pose increases flexibility of the entire spine, hips and neck muscles. It provides great relief for back pains. In addition it relaxes the heart muscles. Increases blood supply to the head and face, relieving tension headaches and mental fatigue. Improves eyesight and brings a glow to the face.

Vasanthi Bhat’s book “The Power Of Conscious Breathing in Hatha Yoga” is especially helpful for people who can find information on the bowing pose. In addition this book has may other poses that are highly beneficial to all other stressful symptoms.